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Nutrition Consultancy

Nutrition Consultancy

IEN provides a comprehensive worldwide nutritional support & troubleshooting service to race trainers, sports horse owners & riders as well as stud farms.  Clinical nutrition advice is also offered to veterinary practices.

Sports nutrition

IEN provides nutritional support and troubleshooting across many equestrian disciplines. Feeding programs can be optimised to realise performance potential and the role of nutrition in loss of performance can be investigated.

Stud nutrition

IEN offers a comprehensive nutrition service to both Thoroughbred and non-Thoroughbred studs helping to ensure optimum nutrition to support healthy fertility, pregnancy and growth.

Clinical nutrition

Advice on diet where this impacts on veterinary problems  is provided in conjunction with veterinary practices, for example in relation to:

Gastrointestinal problems including colitis or colic, laminitis, rhabdomyolysis (tying up), recurrent airway obstruction, gastric ulceration, renal or hepatic disease or nutritionally related orthopaedic  problems.

Forage and feed analysis
Forage and feed can be analysed for a variety of nutritional parameters including nutritional content and ‘fitness to feed’ including moulds, yeasts and mycotoxins.  A full interpretation can then be provided in the context of the client’s overall ration.


For further information Contact us